Matic Records
Breeze Brewin, Juggaknots - Hindsight (Digital)
Hindsight, the solo debut of Breeze Brewin of The Juggaknots.
Hindsight captures the magic of what happens when an artist sticks with what they love and shares it with the rest of the world. The 13 tracks epitomize why Breeze has been such an essential voice since he entered the scene. He delivers tack-sharp criticisms of former president Donald Trump (“Devil’s Advocate”) and the music industry (“The Application”), talks his sh*t like only he can do (“Translate It”), and gets deeply personal about friendships (“The Uninvited”) and being a teacher as a person of color (“Taking Notes”). And then there’s a track like “King Oxymoron” that is simply a whirlwind of wordplay.
With this record, Breeze is proving to himself that he can confidently, and ably, work on his own, which was a major sea change for someone who for years collaborated closely with others. “I was at times scared to proceed alone, especially considering the greatness of those I had worked with,” he says. “But it worked out. It’s OK to work with others, and it’s damn sure OK to shut the world out and work with and on yourself.”